Week 17 – Running is back

2020-10-25 • 7 min read

Hello😟 sorry for being late again this week.

Still dealing with the insta embed issue and thats what delayed this week's blog :(

Personal Highlights

  • Hmm so both the goals from last week kinda failed.
    ◘ It was hard to cut off phone usage after waking up and I didn’t feel like forcing myself.
    ◘ Now coming to the goal of using a pomodoro timer,
    I tried using pomodoro but as it happened,

    I would usually continue working past the timer without noticing it or I would get distracted regardless of it.

    But I still want to continue using it properly in the future, it was in a way slightly helpful, I need to optimize its usage in accordance with my behaviours.

  • However, this week was truly epic in terms of health and fitness
    ◘ As I continued waking up at around 5:30am every day, and went for a run instead of walks. 😎
    ◘ I ran like 9kms in total this week, I will attach screenshot below for additional flex 😎🖕 caption
  • Not just that I sort of developed a morning routine, which is probably the highlight of the month.
    So everyday after coming back from run, I shower and then instead of jumping to my computer/phone, I read a book for like 20-30mins

    And damn once I am done doing this ritual every day, I feel so satisfied.

    Expect a blog on my morning routine soon just like yall have been expecting topic based blogs for over 2 months now 😹

Thoughts from the past week

I watched Mirzapur and Idk I kinda liked it maybe because I had really low expectations from it lmao.

I still remember back in 2018 when Mirzapur was about to come out and their marketing agency tried to promote it via small meme pages [I was among them]

Back then few of my meme friends thought it wouldn’t work and here we are 2 years later, Almost everyone is posting stories of it,

What once felt liked forced promotion has now become so natural among everyone.




Social Media updates

Made an ytff style intro for saiman[edited the source from yt :P]

And got a shoutout from him, which then prompted a lot of people to come check my main page and 🥱 … boring ... moving on

I posted highlights from Homo Deus to my insta story.
You can find them here[original] or here if you aren't on instagram

My Favourites from the Week


They hire good peeps to make the video.
But They say it’s a video essay on a movie but its like very biased towards the good, like in this video they didn’t mention any negative aspects of the movie … just appreciated everything. Idk I wish there were Indian channels which made videos of this sort, well edited and scripted like this. 😣

Damn neural filters do be looking kinda phresh tho 😳

I completed the series last week and found it very informative tbh, there were a lot of things that I didn’t know. Sorry but I don’t watch news 😓

videos like these make me miss college 😔


So for peeps who dont know, james clear and carl newport happen to be two of my favourite authors and this was like a nice crossover thingy for me.

I listened to this last Monday and hands down one of the best podcast, its short and full of value.

There aren't any other episodes just this one.

I can't recommend this enough, So if you get some free time then please listen to it.


So these are not exactly podcasts but I found em on spotify while searching for a podcast lmao

And from then it has became a part of my morning routine, I listen to them while running, summary of audio books aren’t usually free and so it was quite surprising for me to find them on spotify.

These are the ones I listened to


Memes/Edits/Interesting stuff

Had to remove IG links as there is something going with Instagram Embed API, so the plugin i was using is broke atm. Will update it back soon once the plugin is fixed 😢

More info

Hopefully this will be fixed by next week 😣


Goal(s) for the next week

  • Organize files and folders in pc, 1-2 folders a day and slowly start building a tree like hierarchy for all files on pc.
  • Continue the habit of reading everyday in morning.

Quite excited as we enter the last week of October, I wonder what realizations will stuck me and prompt me into taking life alter decisions this coming week 🌈

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