Week 22 – Uncertainty lurking in

2020-11-29 • 9 min read

This month started with 1st being a Sunday and so This is the first time that a month has 5 weekly blogs XD

Before starting this month’s last blog, I just wanted to quickly acknowledge that the last few weeks / months have been great for me aka
I have been very happy and not feel anxious or any negative emotions like that.

I do understand that life has ups and downs, and I feel like uncertainty can hit me any time like anyone else at any time so before things go down I just wanted to say I am grateful for the good things thus far.

Part of the reason why I feel a bit more uncertain this week is because a few sad things which were kinda out of my control happened like for instance saiman decided he really needed a irl editor, someone who could go to his studio and edit and not like WFH typa person like me. So I guess I wont be editing his videos anymore 😔

Personal Highlights

Trying out a new / more organized way of sharing my personal highlights from the week.


This week’s goal was to write every day, I did succeed in it but not likely how I wanted.

Here’s a screenshot of my notion journal page. writingw2

I kinda wanted to write for atleast 20mins everyday but out of the 6 days I was only able to do it for 2 days in total.

Reason being I delayed writing till late in the night, when it became harder for me to be more accountable to writing … mainly cause we tend to lose our willpower slowly over the day and also cause I used to be sleepy.

So I decided to do my writing in the mornings/afternoon from now on and not keep it for later.


I am having a lot of fun reading Immortals of meluha and like I said in my insta story this is my first-time reading fiction in a really long time.

And I did not expect to find myself so much engrossed into the story, but I did. I have completed first 4 chapters of the book, I think it has like 24chapters,

I think I’ll finish it before Christmas.


I meditated everyday for 10 mins.

medw2 Even though it was guided meditation, but I still felt it to be quite good.
Also I did not try out headspace app because I kinda started liking calm lol.
    Running stats week4run

    🎉Completed 50KM 🎉 by Running this month.


i.e., completed my this month’s running goal 😌


This is where I kinda slacked off this week,

I did wake up early everyday, but I slept late at some nights which deteriorated my sleep’s quality.

Also weirdly enough no matter at what time I slept I found myself waking up completely at around 4:30am most of the days, which sounds great but is kinda very irritating. I hate it when I don’t complete 8 hours of beauty sleep 😡

Here’s me hoping I sleep better this coming week 😔😔

Lemme know if you liked this format of writing personal highlights, As I take on more weekly goals, I will slowly expand this list and make the experience better for readers of my blog 😁🤘

Thoughts from the past week

On blogging

As I look more into my blogs with the lens of self-help, the more I wonder about the ways in which these blogs will contribute to the world of self-help.

I follow most of the super popular and scientific advice of the self-help world, but I understand those are not the only factors which determines a person’s success, but they do significantly increase the chances.

So a possible conclusion that I can come up with as of now is that these blogs are sort of me experimenting with random self-help related stuffs in hopes of making myself better and more skilled. And so, try and maintain these blogs with as much stats as possible.

But these stats alone don’t really determine the whole picture…. I think stats are important when they are taken from a lot of people and not of any particular individual, so my stats aren’t of much help now.

But over the time it just won’t be the stats that matter but also my mental models and how I solve various problems that I face which will determine my position in future.

I just hope I continue blogging weekly like these despite any negatives that I come across.

But even if I do stop … that will also be a result of my past actions/habits and mental model… so I believe that will also serve as important info given it is interpreted in the right way with a pinch of optimism.


I don’t think it is important to write an opinion every week 💢

Social Media updates

Tweeted a lot of random misc. tweets I ll put one or two below.

For the rest you can go and check my twitter.

Also thanks a lot to Shubham thakur for designing these cute looking illustrations for me, imma use this as my blog's icon image for now.

TRB XD TRB angry

Also shout-out to his page AestDesic

My Favourites from the Week

Blog/Articles 📑

The Proven, Reasonable and Totally Unsexy Secret to Success
I really loved the concept of habit creep and tbh that I what I am trying to achieve by setting new goals everyday and making them a habit. Because I believe that Is how I will be able to do much more in the future.


I watched Ludo Last monday and boy og boy was i amazed, Probably the best indian movie that i watched in 2020 🤭🤭 Ngl actually pretty good

Aight now few yt videos

Lmao sandeep maheswari made a video on some meme, well that seemed kinda real to some fools out there so can't really blame him.

Creators 🤹🏻

Tech for Luddites Tech 4 Ludites YT

Not something that I binged on for the entire week, but I felt like sharing the channel when I got a notification today early morning.

I have been following the channel since the start of this year, and this truly is one of the few “really good” Indian YT channel in the space of science and technology that is.

I like each and every video of the channel, maybe because of Sira😳
Even tho I don’t understand some of the videos 😓 But maybe one day I ll understand.

Apps 📱


This is only for windows pc users and people who are into blogging and shizz, it helps to create instant links for images and even shorten url using almost any popular service. Absolutely love this spftware and I discovered this last week again thanks to G.rohit !!! It’s a time saver basically and I truly appreciate softwares and tech that helps me reduce my time on any task that I am doing.

Songs 🎶

Podcast 🎙

Listened to 2-part series of PBTB and Vedant rusty’s collab podcast on Spotify while running.

Then listened to pbtb’s saiman podcast

Man saiman sounds totally diff in it XD

PS: I did not find any of these podcast valuable 🤐 Vedant’s one was slightly better because he talked about his creativity .. mental health and shizz.

Quotes from the week📃

Memes/Edits/Interesting stuff 🐒

Top 3 memes from the week

More memes from the week: Here

Goal(s) for the next week 🥅

I am actually afraid of setting new goals this week, as I wasn’t very successful with writing and I want to keep my progress as slow as possible.

But still since it’s the start of a new month this week, I ll go ahead and add playing keyboard everyday to my task list.

So for the next week I will be practising keyboard(piano) every day for 5-10 mins.

And also continue with rest of the things that I do.
I really wanted to get started with working out but like I said I want to keep my progress slow and not put too many foods on my plate.

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